First Contact

Came across thought provoking, beautifully placed and rare of its kind science fiction movie 'Arrival' few days back. It is rare because it deals with complicated scenario of 'first contact' between two intelligent species who have their own communication techniques. There are countless movies and science fiction stuff which shows extra-terrestrial beings as threat to our planet and their clear intention of invading our planet. Arrival is unique in a way that it picks a middle way; what if some completely unknown (in all senses) beings, one day visit our planet and just station their ships without giving any clue of their intention.. What we will do?
Arrival tries to find answers and succeeds on most fronts. Although, it was satisfying watch but it didn't completely give all answers this interesting and highly open ended scenario.

Human nature is naturally of explorer. We never got satisfied with what we had and we will never be. The day is not so long when we will find (intelligent) life in vast pockets of universe or either way they will find us. There are tremendous challenges in finding one such intelligent form of life and even more difficult to achieve two sided communication.
Following are some of the challenges and consequences of such communication.

Deciphering alien language:
Arrival dealt with decoding or deciphering language of completely unknown entity. (A little spoiler) It became easy breathing as aliens didn't mean harm to us. What if we come in striking distance with intelligent species who are more superior to us and are aggressive in nature? Here, while communicating we will have to be very careful in not crossing that thin line of aggression. One error of judgment will prove costly. Even being extra defensive can have consequences, but that is best bet until intent of communicating civilization is measured.
Again, there might be highly evolved civilizations of K2 type, who have enough advanced technology to understand unknown alien messages and guess the strength of them. Even now, some of them might be around there, capable of receiving our signals but just ignoring us as we might not be more useful to them than an insect to us!
Problem arises when one party is in need! Habitat loss, study, colonization; there could be n number of reasons species can look out for new worlds. In our case, current intent of space exploration is study but long term vision is colonization. What if we come to know about a civilization in fairly manageable distance? Communication, First thing we will try to do! Arrival picks one dimension of possible 'first contact' and explores it end to end. But 'first contact' could be dangerous if advanced beings have lethal intentions! This is why Stephen Hawking is reluctant and worried of such communication. We are well known of what happened with Red Indians!

Fermi's paradox fits nicely here. It states that such are vast distances between two civilizations, either one of them get extinct by the time other evolves!
We have not found traces of life in sphere of 10 light years around us so far. Even if we find one, it will take thousands of years to understand what form of life is out there and is it really feasible to communicate with them. Chances of finding of intelligent life in close proximity which actually can be communicated with, are very bleak. Even civilizations placed at distance of few light years, if trying to communicate remotely will have to wait few years to get response of their signal and then reply back.
But vast distances could be blessing in disguise for us for the moment. Are we really prepared for 'first contact' yet? Don't think so. We shall hope that we really not find someone who could do Red Indians to us!

So after conquering all odds of distances and challenges of deciphering complete alien communication, it comes down to intention of both parties! It will result into doom for weaker one if intention of either of them is to invade.
Don't think that a civilization who is capable of overcoming all odds of distances and technology will be friendly with species like us, who have shaded lots of blood in conquering parts of own planet and who is now looking for second home!
Hawking is right, be careful for a while!


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