First Contact

Came across thought provoking, beautifully placed and rare of its kind science fiction movie 'Arrival' few days back. It is rare because it deals with complicated scenario of 'first contact' between two intelligent species who have their own communication techniques. There are countless movies and science fiction stuff which shows extra-terrestrial beings as threat to our planet and their clear intention of invading our planet. Arrival is unique in a way that it picks a middle way; what if some completely unknown (in all senses) beings, one day visit our planet and just station their ships without giving any clue of their intention.. What we will do? Arrival tries to find answers and succeeds on most fronts. Although, it was satisfying watch but it didn't completely give all answers this interesting and highly open ended scenario. Human nature is naturally of explorer. We never got satisfied with what we had and we will never be. The day is not so long when ...