
Showing posts from 2020

DARK and scientific theories it flourishes on

Couldn’t resist some plot spoilers as its impossible to describe what it is without them. Netflix’s DARK which concluded with season 3 recently is one magnificent colossal maze build upon strong writing, powerful performances, gorgeous cinematography, deep philosophy which could make us vulnerable about our existence and most importantly mind-boggling scientific theories! DARK explores idea of time travel in unique possible way; a fictional town called Winden in Germany witness disappearance of few boys and conquest to find them back. Between 3 seasons and 26 episodes, DARK has taken basic plot device of time travel to the level which looks difficult to match from now. Creators Daran Bo Odar and Jantje Friese deserve every applause for this magnificent achievement. What I most liked about DARK is it presents itself as scientific or mathematical problem, to solve or conclude it you will need numerous theories and analytics. This is the reason DARK is one of those few s...